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The Kingdom Builders | My Church

The Kingdom Builders

Ministry Coordinator: Dawn Nieman

Ages: Grades 7-12

Meets: TBD

In a world where “truth” has become subjective, our goal is to teach our youth the objective truth of Jesus as Lord and Savior. Our mission is to teach our youth who Jesus is and to give them a better understanding of His love for them. We will foster strong relationships with our Christian brothers and sisters in our community, and provide opportunities to share the gospel and serve others. Our youth will memorize scripture that will assist them not only in their daily walk with Jesus, but in fighting the attacks of the accuser.

Youth Group Purpose Statement:

The Kingdom Builders exists to assist parents in teaching their teens to embrace a personal relationship with Jesus with a goal of growing their desire to be more like Him. They will learn to independently study God’s Word so they can confidently share their faith and stand firmly for truth.

We have teachers and materials but no young people currently. If you are interested in having your youth attend, contact the church and we will gladly set up a time and place.